Saturday, January 3, 2009


Here are two pictures of a starfruit in our herb garden.

Information about the starfruit:

The carambola is believed to have originated in Sri Lanka and the Moluccas, but it has been cultivated in southeast Asia and Malaysia for many centuries.
When cut, it forms star shapes.This five-segmented fruit is very attractive since, when cut, it forms star shapes. It has a golden yellow skin and similarly-colored translucent flesh, which is lightly dotted with dark seeds.In the Philippines, it is known as Balimbing. An amusing aside: the same term is used to refer to hypocrites! Here it is eaten very ripe, when the flesh is soft, sprinkled with a little salt.
Medicinal Properties
Liquefied, it's used as a refreshing juice and given to diabetics to normalize blood sugar levels.In Chinese medicine, star fruit is known for its diuretic properties.
Nutritional values per 140 g (1 cup)
Calories: 32; water: 90%; protein: 5 g; carbohydrates: 6 g; fat: 0 g; fiber: 1.5 g. An excellent source of vitamin A (185 mg) and potassium (165 mg).
Look for firm fruit, with smooth shiny skin and translucent pulp. Green coloration is a sign the fruit is underripe. When very ripe, the yellow skin becomes lightly golden and the points begin to turn brown. There are two varieties: sweet and sour.
The star fruit is fragile. It must be handled carefully, since it bruises easily and turn brown. If the star fruit is green, keep at room temperature until the skin turns a nice golden yellow.Once ripe, it will keep for 2 days at room temperature and up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.Source:

Friday, January 2, 2009


NAMA HERBA : Kemunting Cina
NAMA SAINTIFIK : Catharanthus Roseus
Tumbuhan herba yang mempunyai batang berwarna ungu dan berdaun hijau. Merupakan pokok hiasan. Getah pokoknya beracun. Daunnya tersusun secara berselang-seli . Berbunga putih dan merah jambu
stesmaforeverMenyembuh diabetis, darah tinggi, barah, terkena gigitan serangga, cirit-birit, hidung berdarah, mengurangkan pendarahan luka.
Scientific Names: Vinca major L.Vinca minor L.ApocynaceaeDogbane family
Common Names: V. major: Great periwinkle V. minor: Early-flowering periwinkle Lesser periwinkle, Running myrtle
Periwinkle is a remedy for diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion, ulcers in the throat and mouth, diabetes, disorders of the skin and scalp, excessive menstruation and hemorrhage. Chew the herb to help stop bleeding in the mouth, nose, and to help toothache. The tea is used for nervous conditions, hysteria, and convulsions. Improves blood flow in cerebral arteriosclerosis and can be helpful after a stroke; tonic for the cerebral arterioles, reduces high blood pressure, a blood tonic.