Thursday, June 25, 2009
Untuk merawat bengkak, bisul , luka
Cara penggunaan:
Ranting ditumbuk lumat dan tampal
Batuk berdarah, buasir, penyakit keputihan, batuk
Cara penggunaan:
Ranting dan bunga yang dikering, rebus dan minum
Jangkitan saluran kencing, terlalu banyak darah haid, dissenteri dan batuk
Cara penggunaan:
Seluruh bahagian pokok direbus dan diminum.
Sumber: Taman Herba Negeri Perak
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Quince (pronounced /kwɪns/), or Cydonia oblonga, is the sole member of the genus Cydonia and native to warm-temperate southwest Asia in the Caucasus region. It is a small deciduous tree, growing 5-8 m tall and 4-6 m wide, related to apples and pears, and like them has a pome fruit, which is bright golden yellow when mature, pear-shaped, 7-12 cm long and 6-9 cm broad.
Reported Uses
Quince has many uses, such as, pies, jellies, jams, marmalades, flavorings, ice creams, and cakes.Traditionally, quince fruit syrup has been commonly added to beverages to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and sore throat. The decoction from the seeds is taken internally in the treatment of dysentery, gonorrhea, and thrush; it is also used as an adjunct in boric acid eye lotions and in skin lotions and creams. Anecdotal data exist for these uses; no clinical human data are available. The mucilage of quince seeds has been used as a suspending agent in such pharmaceutical and toilet preparations as mouthwashes for canker sores, gum problems, and sore throats. Although the quince seeds are thought to be useful in treating cancer probably because of amygdalin’s cyanogenetic action-no studies have confirmed this effect.
Friday, June 19, 2009
TERUNG SUSU KAMBING (Solanum mammosum)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
When eaten as a salad or ulam, the bebuas helps to rid the body of wind. So don't be overly worried if you start breaking wind after eating this herb. To get rid of worms from the body, one can drink the water of the bebuas shoots which have been boiled. Drinking the water would also help nursing mothers to produce more milk for their babies.
Nama Saintifik: Premna Cordiflora
Bebuas banyak dijadikan ulam oleh masyarakat melayu terutamanya. Pucuknya yang rangup dan mempunyai rasa sedikit pahit menambahkan selera makan. Pokoknya sederhana besar tetapi ada yang boleh mencapai ketinggian 7 -8m. Daunnya tumbuh tunggal dari batang dan dahan. Bersaiz sederhana beerbentuk hati dan warnanya hijau muda. Pucuk rangup dan mempunyai rasa pahit untuk menambahkan selera makan.
Sebagai ulam dengan cara mencelur dahulu. Berkhasiat membuang angin dalam badan dengan cepat, masalah kecacingan, menambah susu ibu.
Antara khasiat pokok bebuas bila dimakan mentah sebagai ulam ialah ia dapat membuang angin dalam badan dengan cepat, masalah cacing, menambah susu ibu. Air rebusan pucuk bebuas pula boleh menolong untuk
Here is some information about the herb.
Common name: Veld Vine, Winged treebine, Bone setter, Veldt grape
Scientific name: Cissus quadrangularis, Vitis quadrangularis
Traditional Uses:
Current uses:
It is mainly used in treatment of fractured bones, asthma and cardiac problems.
It is anthelmintic, digestive and analgesic.
It is useful in eye and ear diseases and in irregular menstruation.
It is useful in colic, leprosy, ulcers, tumours and skin diseases.
It is helpful in back and spine problems
Thursday, June 11, 2009
As an alternative, I suggested that she try to get hold of the Jarum Bintang Tujuh Plant or Cancer Plant as it is commonly found and very easy to grow. I remember one religious teacher who taught in my school was diagnosed with the disease and she went for homeopathy treatment. Besides following the diet recommended by her therapists, she also ate two of the leaves of this Cancer plant each day. The Ustazah recovered and she has since transferred to another school in another state.
Common names: Jarum Bintang Tujuh, Bintang Tujuh, Cancer Plant, Rose Cactus, Wax Rose, Bastard Rose, Mu Qi Lin 木麒麟, Chat Sim Chan
Family: cactaceae
From cuttings and seeds
Besides being used to treat cancer, it is also said to be a traditional cure for high blood pressure, diabetes, dizziness and backaches. The plants have also been claimed to have anti-tumor, anti-rheumatic, anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory properties.
How to use:
Just pluck two of the crunchy leaves from the plant, wash them and eat them.
Can be one of the ingredients in a salad or ulam.
You can make tea out of it to cure colon, nose and other types of cancer. Just put two leaves in a glass of water and let it brew. As simple as that.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Here is some information about the medicinal value of the Opuntia
Health Benefits of the Opuntia
Listed below are some health benefits of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia cochinellifera):
- Helpful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
- Helps in the treatment of hyperlipidemias (increased or abnormal level of lipids in the blood)
- Contains anti-inflammatory properties
- Helps manage conditions of overweight and obesity
- Prevents cancer
- Helps treat BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) symptoms
The prickly pear, also known as Opuntia is a very popular herb. Forming an important part of the ancient Mexican culture, the prickly pear is abundant in “flavonoids” which are an important antioxidant property. Antioxidants have a detoxifying effect on the body thereby preventing cellular damage which is the path to cancers, ageing and other health problems.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Typical dried Dendrobium stems as they are used as herbal tea.
The use for dried orchids ranges from immune system build-up, to cancer treatment, eye-sight improvement, regaining strength after healing (for healers) and quick recovery after sex.The parts of the orchids used most frequently are the stems and bulbs, as they are designed to keep the plant alive during dry season, and hence are rich in nutritive substances.