I was attracted to the beautiful pink flowers growing abundantly from this shrub which was up for sale at the Farmer's Market. The trader had provided the botanic name for it. Actually a small plant in a polybag was selling for RM10 each. The big plant in the pot costs RM380.
Versi Bahasa Melayu
Saya terpikat dengan bunga berwarna merah jambu yang tumbuh dengan banyak pada pokok renek ini yang dijual di Pasar Tani. Nama botani pokok ini telah di bekalkan oleh penjual. Satu pokok kecil yang ditanam dalam polybag berharga RM10. Pokok besar dijual dengan harga RM380.
Common names/Nama tempatan: Fringe flower, Chinese witchhazel, Loropetalum
Botanic name/Nama botani: Loropetalum chinensis var. rubrum
Family/Famili: Hamamelidaceae
Name Origin for Loropetalum or "Fringe Flower" :
Both the common name, "fringe-flower" and the Latin name, "loropetalum" derive from the appearance of loropetalum's flower, the petals (petalon, in Greek) of which resemble fringe or little straps (loron, in Greek).
Both the common name, "fringe-flower" and the Latin name, "loropetalum" derive from the appearance of loropetalum's flower, the petals (petalon, in Greek) of which resemble fringe or little straps (loron, in Greek).
Versi Bahasa Melayu: Asal usul nama Loropetalum atau "Fringe Flower"
Kedua-dua nama tempatan, "Fringe-flower" dan nama Latin, "Loropetalum" didapati daripada bentuk bunga pokok ini. Kelopok (petolon dalam bahasa Yunani) adalah seperti fringe (loron dalam bahasa Yunani).
Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum
Thanks for pointing out the spelling error.
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