Saturday, July 31, 2010


My former student, Sharveen, got a ride from me to go to school this morning as he was invited to Prize Giving Day of our school.  Sharveen scored 5As for the 2009 SPM and was invited back to school to receive a prize.  While I was driving him to school, he commented that the Rudraksha beads that I had hanging in the car were fake.  After the ceremony in school, Sharveen brought me to a shop selling the real Rudraksha beads.  He is holding a strand of 54 prayer beads.

Bekas pelajar saya, Sharveen, menumpang kereta saya ke sekolah pagi ini kerana beliau dijemput menghadiri Hari Anugerah di sekolah.  Sharveen mendapat 5A dalam peperiksaan SPM 2009 dan dijemput balik ke sekolah untuk menerima anugerah.  Semasa dalam kereta saya, Sharveen menyatakan bahawa manik Rudraksha ayg saya mengantung di kereta adalah palsu.  Selepas upacara di sekolah, Sharveen membawa saya ke satu kedai yang menjual manik Rudraksha yang original.  Di gambar di atas, Sharveen memegang manik rantai yang mengandungi 54 biji manik sembahyang.
I am holding a longer strand of Rudraksha beads whichs is made up of more than a 100 beads. 
Saya memegang rantai Rudraksha yang mengandungi 100 biji manik. 
The prayer beads comes in different sizes and lengths.
Saiz dan panjang manik sembahyang ini berbeza
Rudraksha beads are known as Tears of Lord Siva.  They are the original Vedic beads worn by the Yogis of India and the Himalayas for thousands of years to maintain health and gain self-empowement.    The Rudraksha beads are actually the seeds from the fruit of the Rudraksha tree. 
I learnt about these wonderful beads last year and was trying to find out where to find such a tree.  By coincidence, Sharveen saw the fake beads that I bought and he showed me where to buy the real ones.  When I asked him if he knew where to find such a tree, he said that it could be found at an ashram in Sitiawan.  Of course, I made him take me to the place after I bought the prayer beads.
Manik Rudraksha dikenali sebagai Air Mata Lord Siva.  Mereka ini merupakan manik Veda yang asalnya dipakai oleh Yogi-yogi India di Himalaya selama beribu-ribu tahun untuk mengekalkan kesihatan dan untuk mendapat kekuatan diri.  Manik Rudraksha adalah biji-biji buah pokok Rudraksha. 
Saya mempelajari tentang manik yang hebat ini tahun lepas dan giat mencari dimana boleh menjumpai pokok ini.  Secara kebetulan, Sharveen yang nampak manik tiruan saya di kereta menunjukkan tempat untuk membeli manik yang sebenar.  Bila saya menanya dia di mana tumbuhnya pokok ini, Sharveen memberitahu yang pokok ini tumbuh di satu ashram di Sitiawan.  Selepas membeli rantai manik sembahyang, Sharveen menunjukkan saya di mana ashram itu.
Here is the Rudraksha tree which is planted in front of the Sanathana Dharma Ashram in Sitiawan.  As a matter of fact, they have 3 Rudraksha trees in the compound. The founder of the Ashram told me that they got the seedlings of the tree from Hawaii. The children of the Ashram would pick the fruits and process them to be sold.  This is one of the activities carried out by the children.  I heard that the beads would be sold during religious Hindu festivals.  The beads available are the Four Face and Five Face ones.
Inilah pokok Rudraksha yang ditanam di depan Sanathana Dharma Ashram di Sitiawan.  Sebenarnya ada 3 pohon pokok Rudraksha di sana.  Pengasas Ashram memberitahu saya beliau mendapat biji benih pokok ini dari Hawaii.  Budak-budak di Ashram akan mengumpul buah dan prosesnya untuk dijual.  Ini adalah satu aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh budak-budak di sana.  Saya difahamkan bahawa manik-manik Rudraksha akan di jual semasa perayaan Hindu.  Manik-manik yang dijual ada 4 Muka dan 5 Muka.
Common names:  Rudraksha
Scientific name: Elaeocarpus ganitrus
Family: Elaeocarpaceae
Genus: Elaeocarpus
Species: E. ganitrus

Rudraksha Mala has been used by Hindus (as well as Sikhs and Buddhists) as rosary for thousands of years for meditation purposes to sanctify the mind, body and soul. The word Rudraksha is derived from Rudra (Shiva—the Hindu God of all living creatures) and aksha (eyes). One Hindu legend says that once Lord Shiva opened his eyes after a long time dyana or yoga, because of extreme fulfillment he shed out tear. This single tear from Shiva’s eye grew into the Rudraksha tree. Rudraksha fruit is blue in color but turns black when dried. The central hard Rudraksha uni-seed has 1 to 108 faces and 2 to 21 faces Rudraksha are available, 1 faced Rudraksha is scarcely available, Rudraksha having 22 to 108 are almost extinct, there are people sayings that 22 to 108 faced Rudrakshas plants are still there at the foot hills of Himalayas and Manasa-sarover regions, but still no one has seen them.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Nama tempatan: Pokok gajus, jambu golok
Nama saintifik: Anacardium occidentale
Famili: Anacardiaceae.

Pokok ini berasal dari negara Brazil dan ditanam untuk mendapatkan bijinya. Biji buah gajus yang digoreng atau dipanggang adalah sejenis makanan ringan yang boleh didapati di pasaran. Ia juga boleh digunakan sebagai hidangan masakan dan kuih.
Ia mempunyai daun yang lebar dan licin. Pucuknya boleh dimakan dan sering diambil bagi dimakan dengan dicicah budu. Pucuknya mempunyai rasa yang kelat sedikit tetapi sedap.


Pokok Ara (bahasa Inggeris: ficus) merupakan genus untuk kira-kira 800 spesies pokok berkayu, pokok renek, dan pokok menjalar dalam famili Moraceae. Pokok ini berasal dari seluruh kawasan tropika, dengan beberapa spesies yang bertumbuh juga di kawasan iklim sederhana yang hangat.


Ficus (Malay language: Ara) is a genus with about 800 species of woody plants, shrubs and climbing plants in the Moraceae family.  This plant originates from the tropics, with a few species in temperate climates. 



Common names/Nama tempatan: Temu Pauh, Temu Labab, Mango ginger

Botanic name/Nama botani: Curcuma Alba Rhizoma

Family/famili: Zingiberaceae

Genus: Curcuma

Rasa ubi temu pauh seperti bau mangga tetapi tidak masam. Dimakan untuk membuka selera.
The temu pauh tastes like mangoes but it is not sour. It is used as an appetizer.

Temu Pauh bersama daun inai, temu lawak dan halia bara mampu membakar lemak dibadan.
Caranya/Temu Pauh together with inai leaves, temu lawak and halia baru can help to burn body fats:


  1. Bahan-bahan diatas dipotong serong dan kecil kecil./Cut all the ingredients in a slanting manner. Make sure they are cut into small pieces.
  2. Goreng tanpa minyak selama 5 minit./Fry without oil for 5 minutes.
  3. Masukkan garam./Add salt.
  4. Gaul sebati./Mix evenly.
  5. Goreng hingga 1/2 jam, sehingga bahan berbau harum./Fry for half an hour until the ingredients smell fragrant.
  6. Ramuan yang digoreng tadi diletakkan pada tuala, ikat seperti bonjot./The fried ingredients are then placed on a towel and tied like a ball.
  7. Tekapkan perlahan-lahan pada perut, peha dan betis./Apply it slowly on the stomach, thighs and shin.
  8. Do this for a week each night before going to bed.

Secara tradisional digunakan dalam proses penyembuhan kanker payudara, maag, gangguan pencernaan./ Traditionally it helps to treat breast cancer, gastritis and digestive system problem.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Nama tempatan/Common name: Tenggek Burung
Nama botani/Botanic name: Scientific name: Euodia ridleyi/Euodia redlevi/Euodia ridleyi

Famili/Family: Rutaceae


Daun tenggek burung dipercayai boleh
  1. melambatkan keluar air mani lelaki/slows down the emission of sperms in a man;
  2. lebih menegangkan zakar/tightens the penis,
  3. menjadikan zakar lebih sensitif/makes the penis more sensitive,
  4. lebih menambah nikmat sex kepada lelaki/increase sexual satisfaction for males,
  5. ia juga menyegarkan badan/revitalises the body,
  6. mencegah serangan darah tinggi/prevents high blood pressure.
  7. boleh dimakan sebagai ulam dengan sambal belacan/can be eaten as ulam with sambal belacan.
  8. mampu membantu wanita terutamanya wanita yang baru lepas bersalin terutama mengecutkan rahim/aids post-natal mothers especially in tightening the vagina.
  9. melancarkan peraliran darah/helps the flow of blood in the body.
Cara menggunakan:
Kita hanya perlu makan 6 atau 7 helai daun sekali makan. Daun yang dimakan ialah daun yang muda. Rasanya sedikit kelat dan garing, jadi sesuai dimakan sebagai ulam. Makan diwaktu malam atau siang. Kesannya agak segera, selepas 2 atau 3 jam.

How to use:
You only need 6 to 7 leaves for each serving. The leaves that are eaten are young shoots. It is suitable to be eaten as ulam day or night. The health effects can be felt after 2 or 3 hours after consumption.


Sunday, July 25, 2010


Selain buah betik, pucuk yang muda juga sedap dibuat ulam mentah. Begitu juga, bunga betik jantan sedap dibuat kerabu.
Lihatlah bunga-bunga betik yang terdapat pada pokok di atas. Yum! Yum! Tetapi bunga betik ini adalah rasa sedikit pahit dan perlu dicelur dahulu.

English translation

Besides the papaya, its young shoots can also be eaten raw as ulam. The male flowers can also be made into delicious kerabu.
Look at the papaya flowers growing on the plant above. Hmm ... I can already picture the delicious kerabu. However, it can be a bitter. They need to be scalded first before being made into kerabu.


This is the fruit of the Malinja tree. When young the fruit is greenish, then it turns yellow, orange and finally maroon when ripe (as in the picture below). The skin of the fruit is peeled and washed before it is cut into thin slices which will then be deep fried. The crackers which have a slightly bitter taste is delicious.

Scientific name: Gnetum gnemon

Family name: Gnetaceae

Malay name:

Gnetum gnemon: Belinjau(3)

Gnetum gnemon: Malinjau

Gnetum gnemon: Melinjau

Gnetum gnemon: Melinjo

Gnetum gnemon: Meninjau(5)

Gnetum gnemon: Tangkil

English name:

Gnetum gnemon: Gnemon tree

Gnetum gnemon: Malinjau

Gnetum gnemon: Spanish joint fir(3)

Scientific names:

Gnetum gnemon: Gnetum acutatum

Gnetum gnemon: Gnetum gnemon(4)

Gnetum gnemon: Gnetum gnenum

Gnetum gnemon: Gnetum vinosum


Gnetum spp: Gnetaceae fml
The Buah Melinja is also known as Buah Cokok.
How the fruit looks like after the skin is removed.
This is how the Cokok tree looks like.
This is the packet of Malinja crackers that I bought from the Pasar Tani. It tastes bitter sweet. Very delicious.
To find out more about the Buah Malinja, please go to:


Nama tempatan/Common name: Bougainvillea, Bunga kertas, Kembang kertas
Nama botani/Botanic name: Bougainvillea glabra Chois
Genus: Bougainvillea
Spesis/Species: Bougainvillea buttiana, Bougainvillea peruviana, Bougainvillea spinosa, Boungainvillea spectabilis
Kegunaan Perubatan Bunga Kertas
Bahagian yang berkhasiat
Bahagian dari bunga kertas yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah bunga dan batangnya, bahagian ini digunakan untuk penyembuhan penyakit.

Khasiat Bunga Kertas
Bunga Kertas berkhasiat sebagai penyegar badan.
Untuk penyegar badan digunakan 10 gram bunga Bougainvillea glabra, dicuci dan direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai mendidih selama 15 minit, disejukkan dan disaring. Hasil saringan diminum.
Medicinal uses of the Bougainvillea
The part that can be used for medicinal purposes is the flower and the stem. It can be used to revitalise the body. One needs 10 grammes of bougainvillea glabra which needs to be washed and boiled in three glasses of water for about 15 mintues. It is then left to cool and then strained. The concoction is drunk in the morning.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


A while back, I had already read about a plant by the name of stevia being ued as a substitute for sugar. I managed to buy this plant at the Farmer's market this week. The guy who sold it to me referred to it as Daun Manis. Actually, it is more commonly known as Daun Gula or Sweet Leaves.
Some countries do not support the use of Stevia as a sugar substitute because they have big investments in the sugar industry using sugar cane as the source. Non agriculture countries that survive totally on trade and commerce will also be against the use of Stevia as sugar is big business.
Stevia has big potential in Malaysia as most of the sweetener demand still using cane sugar. Sooner or later our country also will very likely follow the foot step of Japan, where 40% of sweetener demands are using stevia.
In the three pictures above, you can see my librarians helping to plant the Stevia or Daun Gula in the Herb Garden.
Medicinal uses
In countries like Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil, stevia which is called ka'a he'ê ("sweet herb") is used as a sweetener in yerba mate and medicinal teas for treating heartburn and other ailments. Medical research has also shown possible benefits of stevia in treating obesity and high blood pressure. Because stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose, it is attractive as a natural sweetener to people on carbohydrate-controlled diets.
By the way, I tasted the leaf and it is sweet. The guy who sold it to me said that the leaves can be sun dried and then be used to make tea or added to a drink to make it sweet.