Sumber: Taman Herba Perak
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016
When it is holiday time and the janitors are not around, I try to go back to college to tend the plants in the herb garden. I took over the management of the garden in 2007 and have added a lot of herbs. Many of the herbs that were originally there had died and were replaced with different ones like pokok ajaib, semangkuk, lidah ayam, zebrina, tunjuk langit, halban, mata itik, cabang tiga, senggugut, telinga gajah, tebu gajah, tunjuk langit, YTT, puding belacan, putat, kayu manis, limau nipis, Sabah Snake grass, lelipan, aloe vera, haba neraka, lime, pepanggil, Vanilla, keremak and the list goes on..
Apabila sudah tiba masanya cuti dan pekerja am tiada, saya cuba untuk kembali ke kolej untuk menyiram and menjaga tumbuh-tumbuhan di Taman herba. Saya telah mengambil alih pengurusan taman pada tahun 2007 dan telah menambah banyak herba. Kebanyakan herba di sana pada asalnya telah mati dan digantikan dengan tanaman herba yang berbeza seperti pokok ajaib, semangkuk, lidah ayam, zebrina, tunjuk langit, halban, mata itik, Kampung cabang tiga, senggugut, telinga gajah, tebu gajah, tunjuk langit, YTT, puding belacan, putat, kayu manis, limau nipis, rumput Sabah ular, lelipan, aloe vera, haba neraka, lime, pepanggil, keremak, Vanilla dan senarai menyala...
Friday, July 8, 2016
I put enough water to cover the cermai and added 6 tablespoons of Himalayan salt. This will be left to soak for 12 hours.

After soaking in brine for 12 hours, I rinsed the cermai and then added syrup. Finally I put a few tablespoons of sugar before closing the lid. I left it to for a day. I also added a bit of vinegar.
When it is holiday time and the janitors are not around, I try to go back to college to tend the plants in the herb garden. I took over the management of the garden in 2007 and have added a lot of herbs. Many of the herbs that were originally there had died and were replaced with different ones like pokok ajaib, semangkuk, lidah ayam, zebrina, tunjuk langit, halban, mata itik, cabang tiga, senggugut, telinga gajah, tebu gajah, tunjuk langit, YTT, puding belacan, putat, kayu manis, limau nipis, Sabah Snake grass, lelipan, aloe vera, haba neraka, lime, pepanggil, Vanilla, keremak and the list goes on..
Apabila sudah tiba masanya cuti dan pekerja am tiada, saya cuba untuk kembali ke kolej untuk menyiram and menjaga tumbuh-tumbuhan di Taman herba. Saya telah mengambil alih pengurusan taman pada tahun 2007 dan telah menambah banyak herba. Kebanyakan herba di sana pada asalnya telah mati dan digantikan dengan tanaman herba yang berbeza seperti pokok ajaib, semangkuk, lidah ayam, zebrina, tunjuk langit, halban, mata itik, Kampung cabang tiga, senggugut, telinga gajah, tebu gajah, tunjuk langit, YTT, puding belacan, putat, kayu manis, limau nipis, rumput Sabah ular, lelipan, aloe vera, haba neraka, lime, pepanggil, keremak, Vanilla dan senarai menyala...
Thursday, July 7, 2016
- Guava leaf tea can decrease bad LDL cholesterol without affecting good HDL cholesterol levels.
- Treat bronchitis and coughs with guava leaf tea Apply crushed guava leaves onto affected areas to relieve itching caused by allergies This method can also be used for relieving insect bites.
- Guava leaves offer an amazing aid against hair loss when boiled and allowed too cool on room temperature. Gently massage your scalp to stop any further hair loss
- Guava leaf tea stops carbohydrates from turning into sugar and thus suppresses appetite. This will also help you to reduce weight.
- Guava leaf tea is also great for upset stomach and provides a great help in cases of food poisoning. This tea is also effective in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentry since it provides strong antimicrobial properties.
- Guava leaf tea is considered to be effective in treating enlarged prostate and cancer. It is especially recommended for men who deal with fertility problems.
- Guava leaves are high in vitamin C, which helps to heal those trouble spots on your face, called acne and pimples.
- In order to prevent infections, aplly crushed guava leaves on minor cuts like scrapes or abrasion.
- You can also prepare a tea to relieve an outer ear infection. Leave the tea to cool and then drop some of it in on the affected area. Boil 9 guava leaves in 5 cups of water until the amount you have in your pot reduces by half.
- This is great in the treatment of dengue.
- Guava leaf tea is very beneficial for diabetics as it reduces blood sugar level and does not stimulate insulin secretion.
- Chew guava leaves in order to relieve toothache, inflamed gums and sores in the oral cavity.
- If you want to remove blackheads naturally, crush a few guava leaves and stir in a little bit of water. Use this instead of your regular face scrub. Use the same combination to prevent premature skin aging, and you will be amazed by the result.
- Now when you know all these amazing benefits of guava leaves, you can use them whenever you need, and if you have guava tree in your backyard, you are very lucky. Source: Via:
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The butterfly pea flower or Bunga Telang is used by Malaysians to make Nasi Kerabu and also a type of blue coloured Nyonya kuih.. However, there are some who dry the flowers and drink them as tea for health purposes. There are some who would add a few of the flowers when boiling rice, also for health purposes.
In traditional medicine, the flowers are used to treat conjunctivitis, eye infection, arthritis, rheumatism, used as a diuretic, improves eyesight, treat pimples and boils, for nourishing hair, boost body immunity and provides antioxidants.
Pokok butterfly pea atau Bunga Telang digunakan oleh orang Malaysia untuk membuat Nasi Kerabu dan juga sejenis kuih Nyonya berwarna biru... Walau bagaimanapun, ada orang yang keringkan bunga-bunga ini dan minum sebagai teh untuk tujuan kesihatan. Ada segelintir yang akan menambah sedikit bunga apabila mendidih beras, juga untuk tujuan kesihatan. Dalam perubatan tradisional, bunga-bunga ini digunakan untuk merawat konjunktivitis, jangkitan mata, artritis, reumatisme, digunakan sebagai diuretik, memperbaiki penglihatan, merawat jerawat dan bisul, bagi menyuburkan rambut, meningkatkan imuniti badan dan menyediakan antioksidan.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
I bought this Cermai plant for the Herb Garden in my college in 2009. It bore fruit once in 2010 but there was not much fruit. I had a pleasant surprise waiting for me yesterday. One of the janitors informed me that the tree was again bearing fruit. I went and harvested the fruit with Hajah Kamariah and Baz at around noon. We had a bountiful crop.
Here is some info about this plant which is nicknamed Anggur Malaysia or Malaysian Grapes by the village folks.
English name: Otaheite gooseberry, Malay gooseberry, Star gooseberry
Scientific name: Phyllanthus acidus L.
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Saya membeli tumbuhan Cermai ini bagi Taman Herba di kolej saya pada tahun 2009. Ia berbuah \ sekali pada tahun 2010 tetapi tidak banyak cermai. Baru ini pokok ini berbuah lagi sekali. Aku pergi petik buah cermai dengan Hajah Kamariah dan Baz pada sekitar tengahari. kami dapat buah yang banyak.
Berikut adalah beberapa info tentang tumbuhan ini yang adalah digelar Anggur Malaysia atau anggur Malaysia oleh orang-orang kampung.
Nama Bahasa Inggeris: Otaheite gooseberry, gooseberry Melayu,
Nama saintifiknya gooseberry bintang: pokok acidus L.
Keluarga: Euphorbiaceae
Saya membeli tumbuhan Cermai ini bagi Taman Herba di kolej saya pada tahun 2009. Ia berbuah \ sekali pada tahun 2010 tetapi tidak banyak cermai. Baru ini pokok ini berbuah lagi sekali. Aku pergi petik buah cermai dengan Hajah Kamariah dan Baz pada sekitar tengahari. kami dapat buah yang banyak.
Berikut adalah beberapa info tentang tumbuhan ini yang adalah digelar Anggur Malaysia atau anggur Malaysia oleh orang-orang kampung.
Nama Bahasa Inggeris: Otaheite gooseberry, gooseberry Melayu,
Nama saintifiknya gooseberry bintang: pokok acidus L.
Keluarga: Euphorbiaceae
I had a visitor this afternoon, Mr Siva Balan from KL. He read about the Kunyit Hitam plant that I posted in the herb garden blog and took leave from work to come see me to get the herb. Mr Siva met with an accident 3 years ago and the tendons on his left foot were damaged. It took a long time for him to recover. Until today his foot is still painful especially at night. As his work as an assistant estate manager require him to do a lot of walking, his foot plus leg would be painful by the end of the day His late grandmother taught him to make a poultice using the kunyit hitam plant. He did it nightly and that helped ease the pain. He had the plant growing in his garden until now. It died because of the extremely hot weather condition a couple of months ago. Unfortunately the kunyit hitam plant I featured in the blog died. However he was lucky as I was able to supply him with alternative herbs that he could use as poultice. Instead of coming for one herb, he left with 6; sireh, lemuni, patah tulang, daun puding, Snake grass and Sabah snake grass. Thank goodness my knowledge of herbs came in handy. I hope my prescription will help.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Mariposa Christia Vespertillonis
Kajian saintifik penyelidik dari Jabatan Sains Bioperubatan, Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan UPM turut berjaya menemui ciri-ciri anti kanser dan anti keradangan pada tumbuhan berkenaan. Kajian UPM turut menemui daun rerama hijau bukan sahaja boleh merawat BARAH/KANSER, tetapi juga berupaya merawat PELBAGAI PENYAKIT.
Penyakit yang boleh diirawat
• Mengubatpenyakit SLE.
• DemamDenggi
• DarahTinggi
• KencingManis
• Masalahusus (SepertiGastrik, sembelitdanciritbirit)
• Asma
• Migrain
• Resdung
• DemamCampak
• Kencingberdarah/jangkitanpadapundiKencing
• Leukimia
• Gouts
• Stroke/lumpuh (melibatkansaraf)
• Keradangan
Kanser yang Dirawat
• KanserParu-Paru
• KanserUsusBesar
• KanserServiks/Pangkal Rahim
• KanserPundiKencing
• Leukimia
• KanserRektum/Dubur
• KanserTulang
• KanserOtak
• KanserOvari
• KanserHati
• Kanser Vagina/Faraj
• KanserNodusLimpa/Lymphoma
• KanserPayudara
• Kanser Rahim
• KanserProstat
• KanserPerut
• KanserPankreas
• KanserPituitari
• KanserKelenjarLiur
• KanserKulit
• KanserMulut
• KanserHidung
• KanserTiroid
• KanserTekak
• Kanser Testis
• KanserEsofagus/SalurMakan
• KanserHempedu/SalurHempedu
• Dan Lain-Lain Kanser
• Mengubatpenyakit SLE.
• DemamDenggi
• DarahTinggi
• KencingManis
• Masalahusus (SepertiGastrik, sembelitdanciritbirit)
• Asma
• Migrain
• Resdung
• DemamCampak
• Kencingberdarah/jangkitanpadapundiKencing
• Leukimia
• Gouts
• Stroke/lumpuh (melibatkansaraf)
• Keradangan
Kanser yang Dirawat
• KanserParu-Paru
• KanserUsusBesar
• KanserServiks/Pangkal Rahim
• KanserPundiKencing
• Leukimia
• KanserRektum/Dubur
• KanserTulang
• KanserOtak
• KanserOvari
• KanserHati
• Kanser Vagina/Faraj
• KanserNodusLimpa/Lymphoma
• KanserPayudara
• Kanser Rahim
• KanserProstat
• KanserPerut
• KanserPankreas
• KanserPituitari
• KanserKelenjarLiur
• KanserKulit
• KanserMulut
• KanserHidung
• KanserTiroid
• KanserTekak
• Kanser Testis
• KanserEsofagus/SalurMakan
• KanserHempedu/SalurHempedu
• Dan Lain-Lain Kanser
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Don't throw away your old stepladders. You can use them in the garden as trellis for climbing plants.
These are the black garlic cloves I made using my rice cooker. I put garlic that I bought from the market into the cooker and left them there for about a month. For your information black garlic has lots of health benefits. So what actually is it?
Info from Wikipedia
Black garlic is a type of caramelized garlic (a Maillard reaction, not fermentation) first used as a food ingredient in Asian cuisine. It is made by heating whole bulbs of garlic (Allium sativum) over the course of several weeks, a process that results in black cloves. The taste is sweet and syrupy with hints of balsamic vinegar or tamarind. Black garlic's popularity has spread to the United States as it has become a sought-after ingredient used in high-end cuisine.
Here is a list of the most important benefits of black garlic:
Info from Wikipedia
Black garlic is a type of caramelized garlic (a Maillard reaction, not fermentation) first used as a food ingredient in Asian cuisine. It is made by heating whole bulbs of garlic (Allium sativum) over the course of several weeks, a process that results in black cloves. The taste is sweet and syrupy with hints of balsamic vinegar or tamarind. Black garlic's popularity has spread to the United States as it has become a sought-after ingredient used in high-end cuisine.
Here is a list of the most important benefits of black garlic:
- Black garlic has twice as more antioxidants as fresh garlic. This makes it powerful enough to decrease the risk of chronic diseases. Antioxidants act against free radicals, which damage cells leading to all kinds of diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, circulatory problems, heart disease, Alzheimer's and other chronic diseases.
- Antioxidants from black garlic also have many cardiovascular benefits. Black garlic helps lower the cholesterol and high blood pressure.
- It decreases the risk of cancer, thanks to its ingredient S-Allcysteine.
- Black garlic has anti-bacterial properties; it helps fight the infections and improves immunity.
This is the kesidang or breadflower plant growing in the herb garden. The flowers give off a smell like that of the pandanus leaves, only that it has a bit of floral scent as well. There is a belief that it would not be advisable to pluck scented flowers from this plant (or similar plants with sweet smelling flowers) when dusk sets in. According to traditional beliefs, spirits, ghosts and other beings from another realm might be around and plucking the flowers might just be an invitation for them to follow the person who does the plucking.
Ini adalah pokok kesidang atau breadflower yang tumbuh di Taman Herba Kolej Vokasional Seri Manjung. Wangi bunganya seakan daun pandan, Dinasihati supaya jangan memetik bunga-bunga wangi dari tumbuhan ini (atau tumbuh-tumbuhan yang yang mempunyai bunga wangi) bila masuk waktu asar. Mengikut kepercayaan tradisional, roh, hantu dan makhluk halus mungkin berada di pokok-pokok ini dan memetik bunga itu merupakan jemputan bagi mereka untuk mengikut pemetik itu.
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