The Hung Teen Wu ( 红田乌) or Keremak Merah can easily be purchased from the wet markets in Ipoh and Sitiawan for RM2.00 a bunch. I think that this plant is also available in many of the wet markets in Malaysia. We sell this herbal drink every Wednesday as a resource centre activity.
- has anti ulser properties
- For blood cleansing and detoxification.
- the young leaves and stems can be fried with chilli, sambal belacan, dried shrimps, anchovies.
- Keremak Merah (Alternanthera sessilis) can help reduce cholesterol in the body and also regulate blood flow.
Malay version
Hung Teen Wu atau Keremak Merah dijual di pasar-pasar di Ipoh dan Sitiawan dengan harga RM2.00 seikat. Saya rasa herba ini juga boleh dibeli dari pasar-pasar lain di Malaysia. Minuman ini dijual pada setiap hari Rabu di sekolah saya sebagai satu aktiviti pusat sumber.
- Mempunyai sifat anti-ulser.
- Boleh dimakan sebagai sayur. Daun dan ranting muda digoreng dengan cili dan sambal belacan, udang kering, ikan bilis.
- Keremak merah boleh mengurangkan kolesterol dalam badan dan juga melancarkan aliran darah.
Common names/Nama tempatan: Keremak Merah, Daun Kurma Merah, Hung Teen Wu
Other names/Nama lain: Sessile joyweed, Daun tolod, Creeping chafweed, Khaki weed
How to prepare Keremak merah for consumption:
- To serve 4 people, you need a bunch of “Hung Teen Wu”.
- You can boil these with 10 large honey dates (mutt joe) or brown sugar (about 6 tablesppons) in a large pot which is half-filled with water.
- This drink is to be simmered for at least 2 hours over a small fire, and then poured into bottles or jugs.
- You can keep in the fridge when cooled.
Cara-cara menyediak minuman Keremak Merah:
- Untuk hidangan 4 orang, kamu perlu seikat Keremak Merah.
- Didih dengan 10 biji kurma madu atau 6 sudu besar gula merah dalam periuk besar yang separuh penuh.
- Minuman ini direneh selama 2 jam dengan api yang perlahan. Kemudian tuang ke dalam botol atau jag.
- Anda boleh simpan dalam peti ais bila sudah sejuk.
I was searching for this plant and came to your site. You and I share a common interest, and I have read many of your posts.
Can you check to see my New Zealand plant is indeed the Hung Teen Wu?
Good info! Keep posting
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