Sunday, March 3, 2013


The hibiscus plant you see above now belongs to me. I was so taken with the giant flower that I had to have it in my garden. The flower seller told me that it was a new species of hibiscus but then I was rather hesitant as the leaves didn't look too much like the ones I know. However, after I looked up the facts from the Internet, I could safely say it is a hibiscus. It goes by the scientific name, Hibiscus moscheutos (Swamp-rose Mallow or Rose mallow) and is a cold-hardy perennial wetland plant that can grow in large colonies.


Pokok bunga raya di atas baru dibeli saya.  Sebenarnya saya terpikat dengan bunganya yang besar.  Penjual bunga itu memaklumkan bahawa ianya adalah spesis baharu bunga raya tetapi saya masih tidak rasa ragu.  Tetapi bila saya membuat carian di Internet, saya pasti ianya adalah bunga raya.  Nama saintifiknya ialah Hibiscus moscheutos.

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