Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I went for traditional massage treatment recently as my blood pressure reading was high. While waiting for my turn to be treated by the traditional masseur, I caught a whiff of some fragrance. When I went to investigate, I found that the fragrance was coming from the flowers of a certain plant in his garden. His wife told me that the Chinese name of the plant was "Chien Lei Heong" or A thousand Mile Fragrance. In Malay it is known as Bunga Kemuning (Muraya Paniculata). In traditional medicine, it alleviates pain, removes toxic substances, antispasmodic, antagonizes muscular spasms, rheumatic pain, skin eczema, improves blood circulation.

Saya mendapatkan rawatan urut tradisional kerana tekanan darah saya tinggi. Semasa menunggu giliran saya di tempat tukang urut, saya dapat menghidu bau yang wangi. Bila saya menyiasat, saya mendapati yang kewangian itu asal daripada bunga satu pohon bunga di taman rumah. Isteri tukang urut memaklumkan bahawa nama Cina pokok itu adalah "Chien Lei Heong" atau "Kewangian seribu batu". Dalam Bahasa Melayu, ia dikenali sebagai Bunga Kemuning (Muraya Paniculata).  Dalam perubatan traditional, kemuning berkhasiat sebagai pemati rasa (anestesia), anti toksik, antispasmodik, antiradang, anti-rematik, pelancar peredaran darah dan penghalus kulit.


HUA said...

Thank you for sharing with us all the information. I like your blog. I am from SMV too.

Roslan Zainal al-Ahmadi said...

Bunga kemuning

Chew.T said...
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